Have the students use their books and review what we have learned in chapters 1-2. OST chant and the PIPS. Using their guides, have them list the 4 principle (PIPS) parts for all the verbs, then find the stem for those verbs from their infinitive form and conjugate each verb. Review PNT and what each part means.
Watch Chapter 3 video, read through grammar page 17-18, complete page 19 for homework, due next Tuesday.
Memory Verse: to be recited on Sept. 21st
Luke 1:76-77
"And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins"
Birth of John the Baptist, we will read our introduction card and discuss as a class, you will then complete the corresponding worksheet.
Bible Reading: Luke 1:57-80 after reading Zechariah benediction, you will write a sentence explain what a list of words has to do with the event.
Create the clay tablet Zechariah would have used in naming his child John.
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